Egun finlandiar bat ||| A Finnish Day

Gari ||| Bernardo Atxaga


I would like to have a Finnish day
to continue talking with you
Your words heal me
They calm me profoundly

I talked to you about paradise
And your answer was yes,
There are many beautiful fruits in paradise
but also there may be hell

A Finnish day, a long-long Finnish day

Life could change drastically
how many times can you start from scratch
questions were difficult but not for you
you are my friend, I love you

We spoke about many things
We spoke about drugs, about anxiety
We spoke with personal freedom
that we should be free
Free! Free! Free!

A Finnish day, a long-long Finnish day

Finland sky during summer
Is always blue, faint and blue
Sun looks like an orange in the sun
And the moon also looks like it, an orange

I would like to have a Finnish day
to continue talking with you
you are friend
I love you! I love you!

A Finnish day, a long-long Finnish day

I didn’t find any English translation of this text, so I had to do it by myself. Any native speaker could get a better version, probably. Feel free to suggest any improvements in the comments. Thanks!

Egun finlandiar bat nahi nuke izan
zurekin hizketan jarraitzeko
zure hitzek on egiten didate
lasaitu egiten naute barren-barrendik

Paradisuaren gaia atera nizun
ta zuk erantzun bai,
paradisuaren fruitu eder asko daude
baina infernua ere hantxe egon daiteke

Egun finlandiar bat, egun finlandiar luze-luze bat

Aldatu al liteke bizimoduaz erabat
zenbat aldiz hasi liteke zerotik
galdera zailak ziren baina ez zuretzat
zu nire laguna zara, maite zaitut

Mintzatu gara hamaika gauzataz
mintzatu gara drogaz ansiedadeaz
mintzatu gara askatasun pertsonalaz
libreak izan behar dugula
libre! libre! libreak!

Egun finlandiar bat...

Finlandiako zerua udako aldean
beti egoten da urdin, apal eta urdin
ta eguzkiak laranja bat emoten du
ta ilargiak ere bai, laranja bat

Egun finlandiar bat nahi nuke izan
zurekin hizketan jarraitzeko
zu nire laguna zara
maite zaitut! maite zaitut!

Egun finlandiar bat!

La foto es un bonito ejemplo de noche finlandesa 🙂 y es de Toni Holopainen

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